Friday, December 14, 2018

Cohen v. Trump (Blog stage 3)

This editorial from the New York Times is quite interesting. I have been following this case from the beginning. The article discusses the whole situation that Michael Cohen has landed himself in. Many news watchers don't know a lot of history on Cohen and the crimes he has committed other than the paying off a couple women in order for them not to talk about what occurred with president Donald Trump. He hasn't lived a perfect life, but neither has Trump. The article states that Trump mentioned the whole situation being a simple private transaction. I agree with the editor of this article in a sense that Cohen has a previous criminal record. The article doesn't go into great detail about how Trump has at times knew what happened. I am not a fan of Trump or his lies. The editorial states that Cohen basically saying Trump pushed him in the direction of doing these crimes. As a attorney you would think these criminal actions would not be happening. Corruption is big at this time in regards the our national government and it all starts with Trump in my opinion. Unfortunately anyone that gets close to Trump has a chance of legal trouble. The intended audience in this editorial is set for the general public and their put was to basically inform people of what occurred between Cohen, Trump, and the two women that were paid to not disclose certain information. Ultimately this editorial was very informative.

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