Friday, November 2, 2018

U.S./ Mexico Wall

The topic of building a wall between the United States and Mexico has been a topic of interest for many people for some time now. President Trump wants a wall built, but in my opinion I don't think there is a point. The goal would be to not allow people to come to the United States illegally. Some people think the wall would keep people out and also keep drugs from coming into our country. What people don't realize is that if bad people want to do bad things then they will find a way. The drugs come from all over the world. Some people think the worst in people and never seem to open their eyes to reality. It seems to me that the United States spends money on things that are not needed. I also believe building this wall will cost some people their jobs. Why have border protection workers when you have a wall. The force will still exist, but I'm sure there will be decrease in the number of workers. Also as we almost always see when we elect a new president they seem to change everything that the former president done. Why build this wall and a new president decides to stop the wall building process. There would be a large financial lose. I still trust the process of becoming a citizen of the United States and I do feel bad for some of the people trying to come to the United States and make a better life. Ultimately I think the wall is a bad idea.


Lougain Al-Hakim said...

The subject that the author Athen Steele is referring to within his blog is very complex, many have a different set of opinions, which makes it very controversial. Within my personal beliefs I have to agree with Steele. There is absolutely no possible use of the wall thats currently being built since we have such a large amount of border patrol agents and individuals that have authority when it comes to enforcing our immigration policies. I believe there is a much more effective method on preventing illegal immigration and limiting the amount of illegal substances crossing past the United States borderlines. What I think can possibly be done is to use the x amount of dollars that is currently being used for this construction project and put it towards education and research for advance technology that can be implemented in some way to help enforce our immigration policies. The president is not a scientist nor is he a research specialist. He is a business man with a very small political background. Individuals who have expertise within the field should have been surveyed and asked several questions to ensure that we set up the most effective and efficient approach. With all controversy aside, our president is just simply incapable of making such broad decisions through congress alone. It has always been the power of the people, not the power of a person. People in large groups at a time can help make a difference for a better world. You can never stop immigration completely but with the correct approach one can infer that their will be a limit to how many illegal immigrants can make it past our borderlines. I'm actually not against immigration, I actually like the idea of diversity. But if things are going to get done wether we like it or not, it should be done proficiently and at the right time. We have for more important issues than immigration. Athen Steele

Unknown said...

Yaresi's blog said...

The author Athen Steele argues that the U.S/Mexico Wall should not be built. Building a wall will not prevent immigrants from coming to the U.S. As we have seen lately, thousands of Hondurans have been desperately trying to come into the U.S for a better life. Despite Trump's effort to keep them out, they are still standing their ground about the situation. As the author claimed, people will always find a way. We have to focus on immigration inside the U.S and not on its border. I believe the best solution to this problem would be to not give immigrants the benefits of a citizen. Nowadays immigrants receive a lot of help from the government including food stamps, medicaid, chip, and even residency through domestic violence. Food stamps and health care should be given to hard working citizens considering how expensive they are. Even homeless people should be receiving these benefits and not immigrants. Thanks to all the help immigrants receive they are able to enjoy many things like new cars and even houses. I fell like this is what the government should focus on instead of trying to build a wall that will only make us go in more debt and that will not fulfill its purpose.