Friday, October 19, 2018

Afghanistan Election

The article I chose was written by Matthew Pennington of Boston Globe in regards to the recent attack in Kandahar, Afghanistan. During a security meeting there was a attack that resulted in the deaths of two senior provincial officials and the police chief. Also at this meeting was army General Scott Miller. I have read from many sources of this attack and some are very different. I spent three years in total in Afghanistan while in the military. I saw first hand how complex the Taliban can be at times. Their goal is to disrupt as much as possible. Fortunately the U.S. general was unharmed in this event. Some sources state that the target was the U.S. general and other sources indicate a different target. For several years now the U.S. has been trying to train and advise the Afghanistan government and military in order for them to take control of their country. At times it seems the U.S. takes one step forward and two back.The Taliban recruit very young and most of their attacks are done using explosives. The Taliban are responsible for so many deaths and injuries. Not only to all the different military, but to innocent civilians. Ultimately this was a close call for the U.S. general and the others that were unharmed.